Untitled #1 (Sem título #1) | Fifteen sculptures | Concrete and acrylic paint. Assorted sizes (20 x 19 cm up to 25 x 22 cm) | 2017
(EN) Although concrete is a material associated with ideas of rigidity, strength, and structure, the sculptures presented here are actually hollow, thin, and fragile. The design of each piece suggests the appearance of eggs, as well as feminine reproductive forms. However, in this case, they are unfertilized reproductive forms, hollow due to the absence of contact, exchange, and openness, empty because of the distance between colonizer and colonized. Aesthetically, these nearly oval objects are similar; however, each piece is unique with distinct visual characteristics that have been cataloged by weight, size, and circumference. Presented as an installation on the gallery floor, this work aimed to provide visitors with a sense of discomfort in the face of fragility, as well as the need for constant care and attention while moving and staying in the space.
(PT) Embora o concreto seja um material associado às ideias de rigidez, força e estrutura, as esculturas aqui apresentadas são na realidade ocas, finas e frágeis. O desenho de cada peça sugere o aspecto de ovos, assim como formas reprodutivas femininas. Neste caso, contudo, são formas reprodutivas não fertilizadas, ocas pela ausência de contato, de troca e abertura, vazias pela distância existente entre colonizador e colonizado. Esteticamente tais objetos quase ovais são similares; entretanto cada peça é única e com características visuais distintas que foram catalogadas segundo peso, tamanho e circunferência.